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I was initially using a cheap camera but I finally got a digital camera, and what a world of difference it makes!

I use a Kodak DC 280 and it is quite a good camera. It is not too pricey but at the same time the quality is quite good.

It came with Adobe PhotoDeluxe Business Edition. It is a good software, giving me a lot of abilities to make manipulations, change color of the shot and add special effects. Your imagination is the limit!

Both the camera and the software that came with it are definitely only as good as your imagination and your love for this hobby. You have to remember, too, that to achieve more realistic shots, you have to have the basics. By the basics I mean proper pose of the figure and and if you're the type, some paint jobs and other customization.

Uniform Weathering

This is one part of the hobby that some of you may find too tedious and time consuming. This basically requires a lot of time and some good mental visualization of the uniform itself plus the figure. Try to imagine that you are the one wearing the whole gear and you are fighting, shooting, rolling around, getting wounded and trashed around.

The usual parts that I think gets weathered are (from top to bottom):
the collar area (sweat and grime)
shoulder area (carrying dirty rifles, slings)
back or front (for example, if you are crawling)
armpits (sweating)
wrist or sleeve area (again if you are crawling around)
butt area

I use inexpensive ACLYRIC paints that you can buy from any crafts store or even Walmarts. They usually cost around
$ 0.50 - 1.00.

Depending on how much weathering you want, I initially use the paint as some sort of a dye. You may need to do some trial and error regarding the consistency of the paint. I kind of dip the uniform, and then squeeze them a bit. You can airdry or blowdry them. You may need to do 1 or 2 times to achieve the desired effect. After you have dried the uniform, put them on to the figure. You can do further weathering by directly painting the above mentioned spots.
For the above process, I generally use a dirt or clay colored paint.

Face Painting

The technique differs for a TUS and a Dragaon figure.

TUS Figure

I use the same paint as above. The texture of a TUS figure makes painting quite easy. The paint sticks well. I usually just use dry brushing technique.

Dragon Figure

The shiny, smooth texture on a Dragon fugure makes it harder to paint. I use the same paint, I don't know if different kind of paint will work better. I basically apply first a base coat, let it dry and apply one or more coatings. I realy don't recommend altering the paint work unless you are familiar with other better techniques.